JCT Standard Building Contract With Approximate Quantities 2016 (SBC/AQ)
The JCT Standard Building Contract is designed for large or complex construction projects where detailed contract provisions are needed. Standard Building Contracts are suitable for projects procured via the traditional or conventional method.
Features of projects using the Standard Building Contract:
- The employer is responsible for the design, and this is usually supplied to the contractor by the architect or design team working on the employer’s behalf. However, Standard Building Contracts also have optional provision for a ‘Contractor’s Designed Portion’, if the appointed contractor is to be responsible for the design of specific parts of the works.
- Depending on the type of Standard Building Contract used, the employer (through its advisers) will need to provide drawings and specifications, works schedules or bills of quantities to specify the quantity and quality of work at tender stage.
- Standard Building Contracts are normally administered either by the architect, quantity surveyor, or a contract administrator.
- Works can be carried out in sections.
- The employer must provide drawings and approximate bills of quantities. The contractor must provide a tender sum which is only an indication of the likely price of the works.
- The price and payment structure of the contract is based on a tender figure which is converted to a final sum on re-measurement and valuation of all work. Interim payments are monthly.
- Sub-Contractors can be appointed with written permission of the architect/contract administrator or selected from a list of three names.
- Provisions are included for collaborative working, sustainability, advance payment, bonds (advance payment, off-site materials, retention), third party rights and collateral warranties, and named specialists.
- Pre-Construction Services Agreement (General Contractor) (PCSA) and Pre-Construction Services Agreement (Specialist) (PCSA/SP) can be used with this contract.
- This contract can be used with the Framework Agreement (FA). Download contents page